Involvement in relief work is a rewarding experience for the Muslim volunteer. It realizes for the volunteer a number of Islamic as well as personal objectives. In this article, we will be highlighting some of the most important opportunities and benefits that carrying out relief works provides for us as Muslims.
1.Receiving Allah’s Blessings and Rewards
A person can attain Allah’s blessings and rewards for every good work that he is involved in, as long as he makes his intention that he is doing so seeking Allah’s pleasure. When a Muslim engages in relief work, he is doing good for others by fulfilling their needs. There are numerous verses in the Qur’ân, as well as the hadîth of the Prophet (peace be upon him), that attest to the virtue of this work.
Allah says: “Help one another in righteousness and piety.” [Sûrah al-Mâ’idah: 2]
Allah also says: “And whoever does good voluntarily, then surely Allah is grateful, knowing.” [Sûrah al-Baqarah: 158]
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “Allah will not cease to help His servant as long as that servant is helping his brother.” [Sahîh Muslim (2699)]
He also said: “Whoever is working to fulfill his brother’s need, know that Allah will be taking care of his needs.” [Sahîh al-Bukhârî (2442) and Sahîh Muslim (2580)]
These words should be more than sufficient to inspire us to become more charitable.
2. Direct Involvement in Fulfilling the Needs of Society
Relief works gets the Muslims involved in the dynamics of fulfilling society’s needs. In this way, the values of cooperation, love, and civic loyalty are cultivated. Social harmony is achieved. The spirit of brotherhood is fostered.
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “The believers are, to each other, like a building, each part supporting the rest.” [Sahîh al-Bukhârî (481) and Sahîh Muslim (2585)]
3. The Rewards of Personal Satisfaction
Helping other people brings happiness to the heart. There is nothing like the satisfaction that one feels when he sees the joy that he has brought to the lives of others or when he sees that his efforts have removed their hardship and put an end to their despair. Engaging in unselfish work purifies our souls. It makes us love the good fortune of others and allows us to share in their joys. We then truly love for others what we love for ourselves.
The Prophet (peace be upon him) has told us: “None of you truly believes until he loves for his brother – or his neighbor – what he loves for himself.” [Sahîh al-Bukhârî (12) and Sahîh Muslim (64)]
4. Warding Off Affliction and Hardship
Helping others is a means by which Allah keeps hardship and affliction from befalling ourselves. It is a means by which Allah brings to us prosperity and good fortune.
5. Awakening Latent Strengths and Learning Skills that Society Has to Offer
A person who engages in voluntary relief work develops new strengths and learns new practical skills. He develops expertise that he otherwise would not even be acquainted with. He also strengthens his people skills.
6. Making New Friends and Acquaintances
Volunteer work is a great way to meet new people. It provides opportunities to get to know people from different backgrounds and different walks of life.
7. Self-Empowerment
Involvement in relief work makes a person realize that he can make a change. He can have a positive affect on society. This work gives a real sense of the truly important place that the individual has in his community and in the world at large.
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